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by Shem Magnezi

由Shem Magnezi

有关辅助项目的终极指南 (The Ultimate Guide for Working with Side Projects)

Over the last ten years or so, I’ve made a habit of maintaining at least one side project at any given moment.


Those side projects have served a couple of purposes:


  1. Learn new things: Trying out a new technology, a new field, or learning a new skill.


  2. Build something: It’s nice and fulfilling when you can show your product to others, or take a look at something and know you’re the one that created it.


  3. Refreshing: It’s a great way to get out of your comfort zone and do something different from your day job.


I’ve listed these reasons in order of importance to me. Personally, most of the times my primary goal was to learn something new, but this can be different for you.

我按重要性顺序列出了这些原因。 就个人而言,大多数时候我的主要目标是学习新知识,但这对您而言可能会有所不同。

There are a lot of articles about why side projects are important. You can read about them or .

关于辅助项目为何如此重要的文章很多。 您可以或阅读有关它们的 。

Here are some of my the side projects I’ve worked with:


  • 3D house model: Building a 3D model of my house back in the day. I even thought about applying for a job at Pixar. So to increase my chances of getting a job as a software engineer there, I decided to learn how to work with .

    3D房屋模型:追溯我的房屋的3D模型。 我什至考虑过要在皮克斯(Pixar)求职。 因此,为了增加在该处获得软件工程师的机会,我决定学习如何与 。

  • Bill splitting app: I built a bill splitting app while exploring new fields I wanted to experience, like developing a user interface product. That’s why I created the app, which later helped me get hired by a mobile startup.

    账单拆分应用程序:我在探索我想体验的新领域(例如开发用户界面产品)的同时,构建了账单拆分应用程序。 这就是为什么我创建了应用程序的原因,该应用程序后来帮助我被一家移动初创公司聘用。

  • Decorate my children’s room: When I was young I loved drawing, but I never had the time to do that when I grew up. So, I used the opportunity to learn how to draw with acrylic colors and sketch some stuff in our children’s room before my older daughter came into the world. Later, I did the same for our baby boy.

    装饰我的孩子的房间:小时候我喜欢绘画,但长大后我却没有时间做画。 因此,我利用这个机会学习了如何在我的大女儿出生之前在我们的孩子房间里用丙烯酸颜色绘画和素描一些东西。 后来,我对我们的男婴做了同样的事情。

  • Write a blog: To practice my English, I started to publish content regularly. I might have written stuff that , but my English is still not as good as I wish it was.

    写博客:为了练习我的英语,我开始定期发布内容。 我可能写了一些东西,但是我的英语仍然不如我希望的那样好。

Those are just a few representative examples to give you a sense of what a side project can look like and what you can achieve.


Some side projects can help you learn something new that may be relevant to your role (For example, Android, Kotlin, Gatsby.js, etc.). Other projects can give you an opportunity to touch aspects of your job that you don’t regularly have time for (For example, product, marketing, design, etc.). And some projects just let you do something entirely new (write a blog, give a talk).

一些辅助项目可以帮助您学习与您的角色相关的新知识(例如,Android,Kotlin,Gatsby.js等)。 其他项目可以使您有机会接触自己通常没有时间从事的工作(例如产品,营销,设计等)。 有些项目只是让您做一些全新的事情(写博客,发表演讲)。

After years of maintaining side projects, I understand that there are certain elements to every useful and effective side project. If in the past I could work 10+ hours a week on a side project, now, with two small children I have only around 4 hours to work on it.

经过多年维护副项目,我了解每个有用和有效的副项目都有某些要素。 如果过去我可以每周在一个辅助项目上工作10个小时以上,那么现在,有了两个小孩,我只有大约4个小时的时间在工作。

So I want to share with you some principles to get the most out of your time. So let’s start:

因此,我想与您分享一些原则,以充分利用您的时间。 因此,让我们开始:

1.决定你想学什么 (1. Decide what you want to learn)

Before you start building something, think of what you want to achieve from the project. What do you want to learn? What do you want to practice?

在开始构建某些东西之前,请考虑一下您想从项目中实现的目标。 你想学些什么? 你想练习什么?

This should be one thing and one thing only. Sure, you might get other things along the way as well, but focus on one thing at first.

这应该是一件事,而只能是一件事 。 当然,您也可能会遇到其他问题,但首先要专注于一件事。

Setting one single goal will later help you during the project with all kinds of decisions you’ll have to make. For example, should you write tests? If your primary goal is to practice responsive design, it may not be so relevant.

设定一个单一目标将在项目执行期间为您提供各种决策。 例如,您应该编写测试吗? 如果您的主要目标是练习响应式设计,那么它可能就没有那么重要了。

Remember, we want to get the most out of it in as little time as possible. We want to pay attention to what we’re working on, and more precisely, ignore what’s not relevant.

请记住,我们希望在尽可能短的时间内充分利用它。 我们要注意我们正在做的事情,更准确地说,是忽略不相关的事情。

2.选择您要使用的产品 (2. Choose a product that you would use)

Next, we need to decide what we want to build. There are plenty of resources out there for side project ideas that you can create. Go over them to get a sense of the options you have and then ignore them altogether.

接下来,我们需要决定要构建什么。 有大量资源可用于创建辅助项目构想。 遍历它们以了解您拥有的选项,然后完全忽略它们。

Your side project should be something you (theoretically) would use.


There are two reasons for working on a side project that you’d use:


  1. There are going to be ups and downs along the way. You will have days when you’ll be extremely excited about the project (especially at the start), but there will be times when you’ll need to find the energy to skip this new Netflix show and fix some weird bug in your project. If you aren’t really passionate about the project, it’ll be difficult to stick with it.

    一路上会有起伏。 您将有几天对这个项目感到特别兴奋(尤其是在开始时),但是有时您需要找到精力跳过这个新的Netflix节目并修复项目中的一些怪异错误。 如果您不是真的对该项目充满热情,那么很难坚持下去。
  2. Most of the time you’ll be alone. You don’t have a product manager or boss to tell you what to do. You’ll need to figure out what to do on your own, and the best way to do that is to build something for yourself.

    大多数情况下,您将独自一人。 您没有产品经理或老板来告诉您该怎么做。 您需要弄清楚自己该做些什么,而最好的方法就是为自己建立一些东西。

3.不太难但不太容易 (3. Not too hard but not too easy)

Now when it comes to building a side project, it’s important to aim at the right level. In other words, don’t build something that’s too hard for you — but it also shouldn’t be too easy.

现在,在构建辅助项目时,将目标对准正确的位置很重要。 换句话说,不要构建对您来说太难的东西,但它也不应该太容易。

That way you’ll stay motivated during the project. Whenever you cross a hurdle, you’ll feel a sense of achievement. It’s called the Goldilocks Rule, and you can read more about it .

这样,您将在项目期间保持积极性。 每当遇到障碍时,您都会感到成就感。 这称为Goldilocks规则,您可以阅读有关它的更多信息。

4.将其分成可交付的小块 (4. Break it into a small deliverable chunks)

Before you start doing the thing, you should sit and plan.


As boring and tedious as it sounds, building a rough roadmap for the side project will help you later. The roadmap you define should not be comprised of only significant milestones, but it should have very small checkpoints that you can achieve in every “sprint” (usually a week or so).

虽然听起来很无聊又乏味,但为辅助项目制定粗略的路线图将在以后为您提供帮助。 您定义的路线图不应仅由重要的里程碑组成,而应具有非常小的检查点,您可以在每个“冲刺”(通常一周左右)中实现。

Here is an example for one that I can think of for a simple chat web app:


  • Set up the environment

  • Make one client work locally

  • Sync data with the server

  • Make the remote client work

  • Styling

  • Deploy


Here is another one for a blog post:


  • Write an Outline

  • Write Section I

  • Write Section II

  • Write Section III

  • Introduction and summary

  • Add relevant links

  • Layout and image

  • Publish and share


Again, developing a rough roadmap serves two main purposes:


  1. Focus: As I mentioned before, you probably won’t have much time during the side project and every minute counts. You need to know exactly what you need to do and enter the zone as quickly as possible.

    重点:正如我之前提到的,在辅助项目期间您可能没有太多时间,而且每一分钟都很重要。 您需要确切地知道需要做什么,并尽快进入区域。

  2. Getting in and out of context: Since it might be days or even weeks since you last worked on the side project, it will be very hard for you to create a seamless continuing workflow. Continuing from the exact point you stopped, and understanding the context might take an hour or two. That’s why it’s better to close every session so you’ll have a fresh start in the next round.

    进入和脱离上下文:由于自上次进行辅助项目以来可能需要几天甚至几周的时间,因此创建无缝的连续工作流程将非常困难。 从您停止的确切位置继续,并且了解上下文可能需要一两个小时。 因此,最好关闭每个会话,以便在下一轮中重新开始。

5.养成习惯 (5. Make it a habit)

Over the years, I’ve learned that consistency is the name of the game. It’s more important to work on a side project consistently, a few hours a day, for a couple of weeks than trying to squeeze it into a 12 hour marathon and never come back.

多年以来,我了解到一致性是游戏的名称。 每天要在几个小时内持续进行一个副项目几周,这比尝试将其挤入12个小时的马拉松比赛再也回不来更为重要。

That’s why, personally, I find it beneficial to make the whole thing into a habit. I know exactly what I’m doing every Friday when the clock strikes 10 AM. I open my Mac and continue working from the last point I stopped last week.

这就是为什么我个人认为将整个事情养成习惯是有益的。 我确切地知道每个星期五凌晨10点钟在做什么。 我打开Mac,从上周停止的最后一点开始继续工作。

Since I’m doing the project at home, and working from home is not something that I’m doing in my day job, I also put my self into a working state of mind — sitting in a specific place, with a particular setup.


That way I enter work mode easily without really thinking what should I do now or whether this is the right time or place to work on the side project.I also try to keep that habit for as many straight weeks as possible, even for just an hour. I’ve realized that when I miss even one session, it’s a slippery road from there, and I tend to skip many more sessions for many weeks. You can read more about it .

这样一来,我可以轻松进入工作模式,而无需真正思考现在应该做什么,或者这是否是在副项目上工作的合适时间或地点。我还尝试保持这种习惯尽可能多的连续几周,即使只是小时。 我已经意识到,即使错过一堂课,那也是一条湿滑的路,而且我倾向于在很多周内跳过更多的课。 您可以了解更多信息。

6.完善是您的敌人。 (6. Perfection is your enemy.)

When the times goes by, it’ll be easy sometimes to go down the rabbit hole because you want to change some text font or waste your time chasing a small bug. Don’t let that happen!

随着时间的流逝,有时您会很容易陷入困境,因为您想更改一些文本字体或浪费时间去追寻一个小错误。 不要让这种事情发生!

Remember that we want to achieve as much as we can in as little time possible, so always remind yourself what you’re here for and focus on the important stuff.


, and you should keep the wheel spinning.


It’ll help you with the sense of accomplishment. The worst thing that can happen to you is to wake up after a 5 hour session to realize you just spent the whole day without really making any progress.

它会帮助您获得成就感。 对您而言,最糟糕的事情是经过5个小时的训练后醒来,以为您只是整日而没有真正取得进展。

Side projects are an excellent opportunity to acquire new skills and gain experience with stuff that you don’t usually have the chance to do in your day-to-day job.


As with anything new, it’s probably easier to keep up when you’re still excited. The secret is how you maintain this feeling and make this excitement last even when you feel tired.

与任何新事物一样,当您仍然兴奋时,跟上它可能会更容易。 秘诀是即使您感到疲倦,也能保持这种感觉并使这种兴奋持续下去。

I hope these tips will motivate you to build great products and learn something new.


If you enjoyed this post, please hit the “recommend” button below and share this story with your friends. I’ll also love hearing about any other tips that you may have or any cool side project that you’re currently working on. Thank you!

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请点击下面的“推荐”按钮,并与您的朋友分享这个故事。 我也很喜欢听到您可能拥有的其他任何技巧,或者您目前正在从事的任何酷项目。 谢谢!

Originally published at on June 8, 2018.





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